Nov 30, 2009

EuroTrip - Day 75

26th Nov - Thursday

Time for a good news. Bruges' nomination as a probable destination for my honeymoon trip has been accepted by the lady. Bruges came as a challenge to undisputed champion - the Switzerland. It implies that now I have an implicit permission to visit Switzerland as part of this EuroTrip. My loved ones will surely be disappointed to know this. Sorry people, I just could not wait. ;-)

We leave for Geneva tomorrow morning. That's the only bit of planning that we have done so far. But before we leave, there is a class to be attended and a couple of assignments to be finished. One of those being a presentation for the final class of Strategic Marketing course. I spent the whole day today working on this presentation along with a couple of group-mates (the same girls who found a mention on this blog long back for yelling at me) and let me accept that it was real fun today. We spent almost 6 hours trying to justify poor performance by our team. We have tried our best to be honest. I hope the professors agrees to them too.

Tomorrow, we catch 5:40am train from Gare Du Lyon. That means we will have to leave home even before 5am. I wonder what had stuck me when I had gone to book tickets. The lady at ticketing window had confirmed at least thrice with me about the timings. It just did not struck me that what she was hinting at. Silly me. :(


Siddharth Chaudhari said...

In Bruges? Have you not seen the movie and heard them describe that city?!

Pritesh Jain said...

I have just heard about it. Still to see the movie. Will update the list, if needed, after watching the movie. :D