Nov 20, 2009

EuroTrip - Day 68

Buddha is smiling again

Because the apple has finally fallen. A long wait. Some nerve wracking tense times giving way to moment of elation. I had dreamt about it recently. I just could not believe when I heard about it first time. I wanted to check it myself and I did the same. And yes, it did happen. The apple did fall.

I am talking nonsense right? It indeed is nonsense. For a majority of you in this world. But it matters a lot to me. Because it proves that there is still an element of luck in my favor. I don't want to attribute it entirely to luck. That will undermine the persistent efforts that we had put in. It's just that our efforts have finally fructified and I am mood to celebrate this moment.

It's 2:30 am Paris time. By this time a lovely sun would have risen in most part of India. I can not wait any more to call home and give them the news. Sometime this time differences make all the differences. I distinctly remember waking up my sleeping parents at around midnight when my IIMB admission result had come. I just could not wait then. I just could not wait today.

It's a new day now.

My iPod had the same playlist for more than 6 months for now. I just cannot imagine how did I let it happen. A new playlist is on its way. Karunesh and Coldplay are back on the list. I hope to find my Lucky Ali collection soon. It's been a long time since I heard him.

I just finished watching Pulp Fiction. Finally. I feel no shame in admitting that I did not fully understand the movie but I loved it nonetheless. I guess I will spend some time reading about it and other work by Quintine Tarantino before giving this movie one more shot. I want to watch a couple of Raj Kapoor movies too. They have been doing rounds in my mind for quite some time now. Now that my vacations is about to end, I hope to get back to my movie watching schedules soon [Isn't it ironical that I watch less movies during vacation as compared to during the college time?].

PS: Smiling Buddha was the code name for the missing to conduct the first nuclear test in Pokhran. Buddha smiled again when we successfully tested our nuclear technology for the second time in Pokhran.

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