Apr 13, 2007

To Whomsoever It May Concern

"I will take bricks and write on that to show how much I miss you. And I will break it on your head to show how much it pains when I miss you."
- a sms I recently got. I am hoping it is just a forward. :)

And here is an interesting news -
New Delhi: Saddled with the mounting burden of providing dole to keep the cost of kitchen fuels low, the Planning Commission would like the government to stop supplying cheap cooking gas cylinders to households paying income-tax.
The panel’s suggestion comes in response to the oil ministry’s wish to carry on with the system of providing money in the budget to cover oil firms’ losses from selling kitchen fuels at artificially low price set by the government. It is, however, unlikely to be considered by the oil ministry.

I firmly believe now that very soon there will be a law in this land that says if you are honestly paying your income tax, you are no less than a criminal.

For theatre lovers in Bangalore, TFA is presenting some really good plays in Rangashankara. Nice story lines backed up with power packed performances. I whole heartedly recommend them. I watched two plays in last two days and plan to go today also. Anyone interested, buzz me.

And to close it on happier notes, here is the news.
It rained here in Bangalore last night. Bangalore rocks sometimes. It does. Even after 11pm time limits. Evening showers that filled the atmosphere with pleasant smell. Hoping for more of it.


CandidConfessions said...

Aww... thts a sms that speaks a lot!

anoop... said...

Govt. of India has gone mad... "The Legue of Bewkoof Log"....

Mondy said...

One more like that..."She broke my heart So I broke her jaw".


youshould forward that sms to a hundred people....its brilliant :)