Apr 26, 2007

The days before the mutiny

I watched a part of Dangeya Munchina Dinagalu last evening at Rangashanakara. This is a play in Kannada by a troupe called Rangasiri. The title translates to "The days before the mutiny".

And that is all I know and understood about the play.

Having lived almost 6 years in Bangalore, it is sinful for me to not to understand Kannada. But then, most decisions and choices in life are need based. So there I was, for almost 40 minutes, trying to comprehend what was happening at the stage. Nothing much I could understand.
Nothing can I write about the play so.

But for me, yes, it was a show worth going coz my friend Su was performing in the play. I could not afford to miss the opportunity to see her on RS stage. :)

The troupe will be performing soon in Malleshwaram. Exact details, I shall post soon.


Goli said...

I had gone to see this film shoot of a Girish Karnad shoot, and nothing I could understand. Every one was talking in Kannada, and was feeling little bad, five years in Bangy and hardly know a bit of kannada.

- Ubiquitous - said...

Well Prits, as you know I was an outstanding audience member!

