Apr 21, 2007

sanjaya joke...

Breaking news: Sanjaya Malakar is out of American Idol. Now when he can not become even an American idol, how could he possible dream of being my idol.
Thanks to his hairdos I am saved from having a loser idol.

Joke of the day:
A news clip from TOI dated 20-04-2007
Paula Abdul’s diva trip on air
Paula Abdul, the American Idol judge, did a diva act on a recent flight when she demanded special treatment. An eyewitness on the flight said: “She pulled a major diva trip. The other passengers were not amused.” Newsweek.com reports that Abdul was on a packed flight from San Jose to Burbank, California, and she demanded special treatment even though there is no first-class section on the airline. She asked to be let on the plane and seated first. When she was told that young children, people with disabilities and elderly woman were allowed to board early she supposedly cried, “But I’m famous! I need to go on first!” A few fellow passengers shouted, “You’re no Sanjaya! You have to board like everyone else.” Once on board, she pushed her way to the front to get on first and tried to keep the seat next to her empty telling passengers it was already taken.

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