Apr 22, 2007

Stranger in the mirror

They say living on my own has brought about one change in me. I have grown up. Everyone does, it's no black magic. Suposadly I am more mature now.

But somehow I cann't feel proud of it today. The process of growing up also resulted in a tremendous loss for me. I lost my innocence. I have lost myself. No longer can I claim to be the same person I was some years ago. I lost the simplicity and purity.

Sometime when I stand in front of mirror, I see a stranger's face. It just pops up from within and mocks at me. This innocent face reminds me of the person I was at one point of my time.

Changes are inevitable and this is just part of life, I guess.

1 comment:


part of the run up. Do you know for sure it would have been any better had things been the way yo had wanted it to?

not always.