Jun 28, 2006

WISE and otherWISE

Most of us know Sudha Murthy as Narayan Murthy’s wife. Actually for that matter we know Narayan Murthy just because he is founder of Infosys. We never knew that there are many more dimensions added to these two people.

Sudha Murthy has been a teacher throughout her life. From the vast experience she got by teaching year after year, she started writing in newspapers. She took the work of Infosys Foundation. Since then, she has ben traveling in and out of Karnataka. They have worked everywhere without much publicity. All these gave her a big insight into life. From those experiences she started writing novels in Kannada and then in English.

WISE and otherWISE is one such brilliant attempt by her. It’s not some book which tries to give gyan. She has narrated 50 experiences from her life. In not even one she is trying to preach anything. But that does not mean that it is a storybook. You can relate to all of them. You can laugh, cry, get angry, feel sad, feel proud with her as she narrates different aspects of life through her life. You can learn from each one of them.

Sudha uses really simple language, no jugglery of words. And I am sure once you start the book; you will leave it only after finishing full. go and read it.

As I always say, you won’t regret. :-)

1 comment:

Goli said...

I must say you are quite fast to read the books :).... Good... Currently I am on to "Bridges of the Madison County"... Smile and Sunshine