Jun 5, 2006

How does engineering help engineer you?

Out future depends upon the foundation we lay today. Our professional future totally depends upon the graduation we get. Our graduation defines the course of life for us. I am a BE graduate today. And I felt that engineering is a really good graduation option. And when I say this, I am not only thinking about the job opportunities in this field, but many other aspects.
Let me recollect all my experiences of last half decade or so.

Let me first define engineering here. When I say engineering I mean only BE or BTech or higher degrees. A four year full time course in engineering field or technology. There are many reasons for not including BSc, deplomas and other courses like MCA here. I shall consider them as and when needed.

Engineering life starts with preparation for entrance exams. When a young lad enters class XI or XII he starts preparing for various exams for entrance in different colleges. The exams consist of papers on Physics, Chemistry and Math. These three subjects have the whole science within them. You get to learn the most in this phase of life. And no other thing can improve aptitude better than Math. Logic and understanding comes your way when you study physics and chemistry. Moreover this is most probably first time in life when student really do some hard work.

Engineering starts with one year of preparatory courses. A mix of everything. No other field gives such an opportunity to learn so many things at one time. Again Physics Chemistry & Math play a crucial part.

When you do a MCA or any other diploma course or for that matter a three year BSc course, these things are totally missing.
Diploma courses in India could not take a proper form. They were neither job-oriented nor knowledge based. So doing them is just a waste of time. And by doing them you miss the foundation years of XI and XII too. So overall a loser option.
MCA again tries to teach logic the hard way. And in three years without help of math, it’s a really hard job. MCA people lack a lot on aptitude side thus.
Same applies for BSc and other 3 year courses. They are totally bookish, and lack on practical aspects of learning. Aptitude can not be developed in these courses, so does the logic.

Aptitude and logic hold a really important effect on your future and professional life. Engineering teaches you without any extra effort. I have seen so many enginnering students showing excellent results in exams like CAT where aptitude is checked thoroughly.

Four years of engineering teach one more important thing, that is facing tough situations. Semester exams are always time of high tension. But still student survive them year after year. My experience says, by the time they reach final year, they exactly know how to prepare for exam in exactly 2 days and how to pass it with flying colors. Stress is part of life in an engineering course and it really helps in long way.

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