Jun 22, 2006

It’s not about the bike

How it feels like to be diagnosed cancer in your early twenties, when you are in your best form in cycling, beating it in one year and win the Tour de France the coming year?

This is the main outline of the autobiography of legendry cyclist Lance Armstrong – It’s not about the bike: my journey back to life.

What do you do when one fine day, your doctor says that you are suffering from cancer? The first thought that will come to your mind is that I am going to die.
Lance faced same kind of situation, but what he did was not any ordinary man would generally do. He decided to fight with it. He went for all out treatment, which could have meant that he would no longer be able to ride bike or be a father. What happens after this is a history.

Saga of courage
After four deadly rounds of chemo therapy plus many surgeries, if someone thinks about riding in the Tour de France, he needs to have lot of courage and unlimited inner will. Getting up from deathbed and then riding cycle in Pyrenees is not a game a normal human can play. Every ounc of your body should be filled with determination and courage to even think about taking such a challenge.

Hardships make you a true fighter
It’s about the life of Lance, who overcome all the hardships and proved to the world that he truly is a champion. He could have surrendered to cancer and died without anyone even knowing about it. But he decided to fight for his life. And after getting it back form the jaws of cancer; he decided to make good use of the life. He could have enjoyed a peaceful life post-cancer but he decided to do what he was meant to – show the world that nothing is impossible. You have got life, make good use of it.

Respect your life
Lance says –“death is not a cocktail part conversation”. Respect your life as its very precious. He believes that for him winning against cancer was more important that winning Tour de France. He learnt the true value of life when he saw the death knocking on his door. He could not have won the Tour if he had not got the inner strength after fighting with cancer.

It's really an inspiring saga. A really easy read for anyone. Please go and read whenever you get time, you will not regret.

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