Jun 22, 2006

show me money (and work) and blah blah

Today in my office we had some presentation about Employee Assistance Program. From name it looks like some kind of incentive program. I had same kind of hopes when I went to attend that. But it turned out to be totally different (crap). Its about counseling service that today’s corporate world is projecting as employee beneficiary program.

Overall not so interesting session for me (I am no more used to listen to all those shitty lectures form some not-so-interesting old guy). But itl raised some interesting questions. During the start we were asked to think about three situations. Let me discuss them one by one.

SITUATION: You are working for an big company. You work honestly and sincerely. You come one time and go on time, and submit all your assignments on time. Overall you are one good guy (finding such guy is too difficult, if you find him tell me, I will open my company in his partnership)

Case 1: One day your senior manager comes and tells you that from now on you will receive half the salary you were getting. He does not give any reason for such a harsh decision. What are the chances that you will stay in the company?
My answer : 0%. Its all about the ethics (if I talk in corporate terms)Everyone ought to be reasonable. There can not be any reason today for anyone to stay there. money is the biggest incentive for most of the people today, and without it there is no fun in working. If we get our salary from the company, company also gets big dollars because of our work. Its strictly business, nothing emotional. It’s an open market. DotCom burst is a history now. It’s a boom time. If you don’t gain from it today then anyone else will. If you do it prperly, you deserve every penny of your share.

Case 2: One day your boss comes and tells you that from now on you don’t need to work. You can come and go. You will get your paycheck on time. Will you stay in that company?
My answer : 0% It looks a really good proposition thinking life will be without any tension of work. But at the end of the day you will be the biggest loser. You need to think about your resume. You cannot grow by not doing any work. Akarmnyata cannot take you anywhere. It’s the biggest curse you can get.

Case 3: One day a guy from some other company gives and offers you same money and work in his company. What are the changes of you staying with the old company?
My answer : 50% Work and money are two most important aspect of a job. But there are many other associated factors. Culture and growth are the most important of them all. In one way, stability is a cancer for your carrier. Especially in early stage in life.
Today job is about four factors: Work, money, growth and culture. So whoever can churn out the best mix should be your first choice.

And for god sake, don’t give me fundas about ethics and loyalty.
More about these some other time.

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