Jun 16, 2006

shared drive

Have you ever realized, that most of the time it’s a girl that we go to in case we want to share our feelings? Why do boys find themselves more comfortable discussing problems with a girl rather than another guy?

Boys always are bad at sharing. And sharing means everything from clothes to their feelings. Two guys, who stay together, will talk the whole day about anything and everything in world, other than their feelings. When it comes to sharing their feelings and mood, they become speechless. A girl knows everything about her friend’s boyfriend while a guy might not even know that his friend has a girlfriend.

Boys don’t cry
There is a general conception that boys don’t cry. How ridiculous! Crying is just another way to give vent to your feelings. Everyone has emotions, but still guys try hard to show that they are not emotional. They don’t share their life, in fear of tagged sentimental or emotional.

Fear of becoming laughter material
One simple way to defy emotions or rather not appear emotional is to laugh. Whenever someone is faced with a situation where his EQ is to be tested, guys generally laugh and try to change the topic, while girls discuss it with greatest of patients. So guys try to open themselves in front of girls.

Will we ever change?


Aditya Sethuraman said...

dude...poor guys have at least some reason to get close to girls...if ur gonna get them to discuss even their feelings within their guy circle, then they will become self-sufficient and will not seek out girls for even this...this is a good way to get close to a girl man...please...let the furthering of the human race not be hindered....:P

satyajit said...

i must say this sharing of feelings, at least initially, is not without ulterior motives. it makes business sense. i mean the 'furthering of the human race' business.

boys in cliques dont disclose personal matters. its got something to do with tribal ethics maybe. but i m sure one-on-one with close frnds boys do open up.

and i guess girls 'sound' better while listening patiently rather than discussing their own never ending set of issues :-)