Jun 1, 2006

censor XXL

State government of Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh & one more north-eastern state have decided to ban the screening of the movie "The Da Vinci Code" in their respective state. In Gujrat, Fanaa saw a similar kind of fate (ruling party made sure that Fanaa was not released in multiplexes).

Are we living in a democratic country? Why do we still boast of something called "Freedom of speech"?

Lets consider the case of "The Da Vinci Code". It is indeed a controversial movie. It faced protests all-over the world. In India also, same thing happened. So Government (I&B ministry) decided to have a special screening of the movie for some representative of churches. Mr. Dasmunsi himself watched the movie. He and other representatives decided that movie did not need any cut. They allowed it to release with Adult-only certificate and with two disclaimers attached. All this happened after CBFS had cleared the movie. Who gave I&B minister greater status over CBFS? Why did he need to see the movie and make the decision?
And after Center's decision of allowing the movie, why did state government take the decision to ban it? So now these state government can defy Central I&B minister's decision. We dont need to see the validity of decision of CBFS.
The states gave the reason that they had recieved complaints from various Christian groups about the movie. From where these group arise? Where were they when their representative cleared the movie?

In Gujrat, BJP workers took the decision of not allowing Fanaa to release in state. They have also banned the sale or renting of any Amir Khan movie in state. What kind of dictatorship is it?

Are we still living in a democratic country?

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