Jun 21, 2006

joga bonito

By now you must be totally gripped by football fever. Football is everywhere, onTV, in newspaper, on radio. Like the famous Hutch dog, wherever you go it comes following you. You go to a movie in a good multiplex, and there you see a bunch of guys doing lots of jugglery with football. The ad is based on a theme called joga bonito.
Wikipedia gives following description for Joga Bonito:
Joga Bonito (which means "play beautifully" in Portuguese) is a fictional association created for a Nike ad campaign of the same name. Joga TV commercial advertisements are shown on the nikefootball.com website and appear on television. Eric Cantona appears as the lead spokesman for the Joga Bonito organization. Joga TV is portrayed as an underground broadcast channel that taps into other television stations' live feeds, filmed "live from the heart of Germany"[1]. The Joga Bonito movement is dedicated to eliminating unfair and unsportsmanlike play from football. Joga Bonito promotes fair and creative play as well as honesty and team spirit. It shows the true and beautiful side of football by having a motto of "play from the heart".
For the football addicts, they have also come up with a internet community called joga.com. It is same as orkut.com or myspace from msn. It is a joint venture of Nike Football and Google. you can meet all the people in world who have same football taste as yours. Talk to them, make them friends.

Various joga bonito videos can be found on the its official page on nike football.

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