May 4, 2006

For better memories..

Guess who has bought a new Nikon Coolpix S4 camera? Yes yours truly, me .

For a long time I have been thinking of buying a digital camera. But somehow was not able to make up my mind. Last camera I bought was a Kodak KB10 (trust me for 7oo Rs you can not get a better camera than this). I used my KB10 a lot. Finally I gave it up to my mom so that I can buy a new one. My mom realized it later why I wanted her to have a camera of her own.

So one fine friday night I sit and googled for Digital Cameras. One night of discussions and I finally settled for A Nikon CoolPix S4. I could not resist 6 mega pixel with 10X optical zoom and swivel design. So next day I bought it. And I bought it just in time coz my trip to OM beach was coming up. First use of camera there and I am really satisfied that I have got a good deal.

To know more about Nikon Coolpix S4 click here.

Here are some of the best pictures from the trip.

SUNSET at Kudla Beach

Come away with me... ( on OM beach)

God's own creation- OM beach

1 comment:

Y? said...

lovely pictures.:)