May 15, 2006

dont run Budhiya, dont run

I first heard about him just before Delhi Marathon. Four years old Budhiya Singh, or simply Budhiya wanted to participate in the marathon but due to technical reasons (the rules did not permit an under-13 runner to compete.) was not allowed to. But he made it to the headlines of the entire news channel.

In a country which never had a long distance runner, everyone thought he was the answer to the world. Too much of expectations, too soon. Moreover these expectations resulted in exploitation. Today I think, was it him who wanted to run in Delhi, or his coach (or people around him)?

He made it to the headlines again after his 65 km run to feature in Limca book of world record. He did complete the race but what happened after created waves in the media. Lots of allegations of exploitation by his coach, role of CRPF, role of Limca Book of Record people were the matter of discussion in all circles.

Budhiya had to go for a medical examination, all the doctors strictly ordered, that he should not be running these long races in such a tender age. Budhiya’s coach is in middle of a court battle with Orrisa government and many other officials. Many Human Right Organizations have taken up the issue now.

Some more to read about Budhiya here:
the story behind Buddhiya

South Asian Media net discussions

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