Oct 17, 2006

no escape except within

Sitting quietly
Doing nothing
Spring comes
And the grass grows by itself.
- A Zen Poet.

Zen is minimalist.
Sitting (Meditating)
Quietly (No chattering thoughts)
Doing Nothing (No GTD’s,no lists,)
Spring comes (All is cyclical)
And the grass grows by itself (Nature happens on its own and is effortless.YOU are not required).

The universe is governed by its own laws.
Nature,seasons,time,the sun,moon ,earth-all move on their own.
So Relax.Meditate.Work.Relax.Play.Relax.

Do everything with the zen approach to life.

Taken from http://noescape.wordpress.com/2006/09/29/doing-nothing/

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