Jul 28, 2009

Anthrax Threat

Today morning I received an envelop on my door. It contained a warning message from SAO* regarding Anthrax threat on campus. Apparently I was not the only one. The entire campus was stormed by these threats.

So A+ was a hoax!!! And Anthrax is the reality. Section A is going strong. Specially in creating buzz. There have been criticism specially from the tuchcha batch that it is RCP of bichoo plan from last year. Well, as long as it creates buzz, who cares. Sometimes tried and tested formulae are the best solution.


Aayu said...

I didnt get anything..!!! :(

Anks said...

The followers do not win.... its the innovators who are remembered...

Pritesh Jain said...

Time will say. How many know about the creator of mouse or for that matter screen based computer desktop? :)

broca's area said...

take doxycycline...lol