Aug 19, 2006

lost and found

Every phase of a life there is a lost and found account to be settled. If you don’t settle it at the moment, you make it more difficult to handle. It’s a cycle, a vicious cycle of life that you can not avoid.

Without leaving behind something, new things cannot be achieved. Other way, you need to look for some new things when the old one becomes monotonous.

No way it means that you need to dump what you don’t like today. Neither it means that you leave behind things that do matter to you anymore. Lost and found is a natural process.

Today I know what I was losing behind when leaving Bangalore, and also when leaving Khandwa. It was a part of me that I lost each time. I found another part, somewhat different from the previous one.

And today I know that this is just part of life, I will have to learn to adjust to it.

1 comment:

satyajit said...

i get the feeling something big and important happened during your trip home :)