Aug 29, 2006

The greatest fear

Last few days, and still even today I have been living with worst of my fears. I feared about it every moment, and I thought about it. Fear is one tendency, which makes you very weak, emotionally as well as physically. I felt the same happening with me.

What is the best way to cure this fear? I guess, to face it straightway. You cannot escape it. If you don’t see it in front of you, it will enter your mind and will affect you from there.

So its time that you make up your mind, and face it like a brave boy.

Whatever is happening, its happening for good. So why not let it happen in a controlled way. Why not control your course of life.

ps: its my 100th post on blogger. I will write a testimony sometime soon.


Goli said...

Dude,,,,, how are you? I guess i can quote this poem for you
If day in its dying,
Produces such splendour,

If light in its leaving,
blossoms with glory,

if stars in their shining,
have need of the darkness,

if life in its losing,
becomes a new finding,

Why should I be afraid?"


satyajit said...

congrats! golden jubilee! looks like a rajni anna movie to me! keep it up! and dont worry..

FrostAtMidnite said...

congrats on ur 100 th post.. keep it going :)