Aug 30, 2006

in search of UTOPIA

From here, the view is pretty amazing. I feel like Spiderman sitting on the top of Empire State and watching over the world. Or like Superman having an aerial view of world. Everything is so tiny and I am so mighty. Am I the God? Hehe... No I am still gods another creation, an unique creation though.

What do I see from here?

One side I see, the skyscrapers and prosperous malls, other side only traffic jams. One is the boon of modernization, other its side effect (at least in Bangalore)

I am sitting on the forth floor of my new office. This office is next to Forum. So you can imagine what I am talking about. Alas I don’t have a pretty good view of Forum from my position, but still I can see many more interesting things sitting right in my office.

I am watching you, but you can not watch me.

ps: From today, I would call this space as “in search of UTOPIA”. Not that I am changing myself or my quench in life, I, just want a change (it’s a trivial change though). I am still the same. Whenever you need me, I am and I will be there with you. That’s a promise.

I would like to quote Goli’s comment on my previous entry here. Thanks a lot Goli for sharing such meaningful words.

“If day in its dying,
Produces such splendors,

If light in its leaving,
blossoms with glory,

if stars in their shining,
have need of the darkness,

if life in its losing,
becomes a new finding,

Why should I be afraid?”

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