Feb 22, 2007


the search continues...

ps: Sometime I hate these one liners. But I really cannot help it right now. Too busy with work and stuff. Stuff bole to personal life. Work bole to trainings in company. Can you believe that I am on a five day training that costs more than my salary for one month!!!
do paise ki baat: Training corporates is a really big business, dude.


Nirek said...

Yeah, its weird to spend so much on training, but think the case of employee quitting immediately after the training ???!
thats pretty weird

Unknown said...

I agree on the trainning economics...
But I like one liners.. it helps u keep going...
n when u find time but a detailed post... but don't stop just coz u don't have enough time

Pritesh Jain said...

I am not thinking anything on those lines. ;)

I wont.. I would never..
This is one thing that has helped a lot in my good and bad times.