Sep 9, 2006

to forgive is divine

Bapu asks Munna to ask for forgiveness from Circuit. He sasy accepting your mistake is a very difficult job. He also says that all of us mistake but only people with strong willpower can accept their mistake and then ask for its forgiveness.

Munna goes and starts talking to Circuit. He tells Circuit to turn around and not see in his eyes. He knows that because of his guilt he will not be able to tell his feeling, looking into Circuit’s eyes. He speaks his heart out, asks his apologies and then both hug each other. This is one of the very heart-touching moments of the film.

Why did Bapu say that “accepting your mistake and asking for its forgiveness is a very difficult task?”

We all commit mistakes; and this one hard truth of life. We all are human. We learn only by doing it wrong first time and correcting ourselves. In this learning process, many a times our action, thoughts or words affect other lives also. What do we do about it?

We just need to make sure that we take the responsibilities for all our deeds. There is no escape. If you did it, have the courage to accept it. Just accepting a mistake is not the end of it. We have to learn from it. If the mistake affects someone else also, then this learning is a must. We should try to do it ASAP, so that we don’t affect any more people.

Accepting your mistakes and apologizing for the same, is the next step of salvation. Now this is tricky part. Many a times we fail to recognize our mistakes, and at others we simply could not gather courage to face a problem. Accepting it is even harder. The apology part comes in the end. Many a times, our ignorance is the hindrance while some time ego plays the spoilsport. Both of them block our conscience and affect our learning process.

Today we face one more very peculiar problem. In the age of sms and email, sorry and thanks have become meaningless. Even if we really meant from heart, people think we are being formal. Sometimes the overuse of these words nullifies the rue spirit. Overall effect, your apology does not carry much weight. You might not be heard at many a times.

But you still do it.

But what is the gain for you in this situation? By accepting your mistake, learning from it and then asking for apology, you can be sure in your conscience. If your efforts were truthful, you will feel the burden off your heart. Your soul will become free of the guilt. Its not escapism but actually the best what you could do. More than anyone else, it’s your inner voice that gets hurt with your wrongdoings. Once that finds peace, all the other things become less important. It’s not selfishness, but the ability to adjust to the situation. Just make sure that the efforts were not halfhearted.

ps: after my last post I got many messages asking if everything is fine with me? I appreciate their concern. But truth is that, the intention for the previous post was to apologies to every soul I have hurt. It was not for someone special or anything like that. It is a genuine attempt. I have committed mistakes (or I should say crimes) in past, and I do take the responsibility for them. I am trying to learn from them. So the last post was for the salvation.

Also it was Kshamavani Parv from Jain Calender. So I thought it was best chance to do so. I hope that I am successful in my attempt.


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