Sep 30, 2006

I am here to live new stories...

I am here to live new stories… not to repeat any…

Desai wrote this in one of his poem. I could never forget it. And I know that I don’t want to forget it. We all are part of a big story called life; a story – with its twists and turns. Only catch here is that we are merely actors, almighty took the director’s responsibilities. How we play our parts, is something god entrusted us to do. The onus is on us, to make it a memorable story.

One day I decided to become a storyteller. I decided to narrate a story; a story of love, relation and emotions. Why love and emotions, you may ask. Simple, it’s something close to me, close to my heart. We breathe in air filled with love and compassion. We are all emotional people, sometimes even emotional fools. We can relate to emotions very easily. So there was no reason to write on some alien subject.

This story is a work of fiction. Its not my story. I repeat, I am not Samyak, although I don’t mind being in his place. May be even I would have done the same, who knows. Samyak is one amongst us, so is Neha. They are everywhere. They are within ourseves, just that we fail to recognize it.

When I took up the challenge to write the story, I had only two things in mind

  • Love is not just care and compassion; it means sacrifice also.
  • It is trust and respect and not love which can make a relation work.

Whatever incidents I narrated were just some moments woven around this theme. There was no start in my mind, neither had I thought about any particular end. Both the characters are close to my heart. I controlled their life and time. I, for some moments, became the almighty. I made them dance on my tunes. Sometimes I even lived them.

There were moments when I thought Samyak and Neha cannot exist in reality. Though I could relate to them, I doubted if anyone else would do the same. Sometimes you start doubting yourself, then these were just creation of my heart (mind you not my miond). It was a journey through dreams. A dream which I have been living for a long time. It was my dream and I had to live it, be it through Samyak and Neha. Some of you did relate to them, and it gave me the satisfaction. Tails of love and emotions are universal. Every person who could relate to my dream is a success of me as a storyteller.

When I started, I was very enthusiastic about it. The first part is the best of what I wrote. After third part or so, I kind of lost the zeal. It became difficult for me to concentrate more on the story. I was trying to live in a fantacy land. I was living someone else's life. The story was not written in one day, it stretched five days. Somehow, coz of encouragements from some of you, I could get back to the story and I finished it in five days. For a writer it becomes very difficult sometimes. He knows he cannot do justice to his characters anymore and he decides to quit. These are the times, when he needs to stick to his goals. If you do that, everything will be fine. Else it will remain a story untold, uncompleted.

For me the story is really close to my heart. As I have said earlier that it surely is not my life. But still its theme is really close to my heart. Artistically it may be a waste effort, but this is like a child for me. A mother can never see her child’s mistakes. For her, her child is everything. Same for me, this story is something I will be really proud of.

I am really thankful to all of you for your constant support. Your comments are really precious for me. Special thanks to Preeti, Swapna, Desai, Vatsal, Shail Aunty, Rout, Goli and all other readers. This became a reality all because of you people.

On a parting note..

End is always happy, if its not happy, it is not end.

For records I am linking all the parts here.

part 1: he could not cry...
part 2: they didn't look back...
part 3: her sacrifice...
part 4: chance he never got...
part 5: tears and smile...


Rohan said...

you tend to repeat some parts of the story... and you could have covered other details.. otherwise a great effort..

Goli said...

Hey, Nice story, I loved the first part, the descrition of "vehicles passing by and noone asking him" was good. Good thing is that I kept reading because i wanted to know the end, so you kept the interest intact. But somehow I did not find the plot so appealing.
Considering joining creative writing class at CFD, I guess you would love it. :D