Sep 4, 2006

silence -kill

When faced with some personal issue, most of us take refuge in silence's lap. Some of us drink or smoke, just to divert the thought process. Does it really help?

There are two ways to look at it. Silence can help you only when you are in anger's spell. Anger kills are your logic, so its better to be silent and give your conscience some time to gain its full strength. If you dont do that, then there are real high odds against you solving the issue. You will end up screwing it up. Never ever hurry onto something, anger is devil's advocate.

On the other hand, when anger is not the main culprit, you should not keep silent. Everything and anything can be sorted out by speaking it out. Be it personal or professional issue, what you really need is a good, meaningful and honest attempt to sort it out. What you think does not really matter if the other party is not aware about it. Without speaking nobody can come to know about the real issue. So give yourself some time, think about it and then speak it out. If you are truthful about your urge to solve the issue, you will surely be successful.

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