Oct 7, 2008


New week starts with an OM class in this slot. Prof. Saral Mukherjee, teaches it with utmost dedication. His passion for the subject and his teaching is inspiring, to say the least. OM is one of the core subject, so a lot of stress has been given to this course. It follows case based teaching. As usual (at IIMA) the cases are the chosen from the best in their class. They are tough to say the least. It takes 3-4 hours of group preparation and still we do not get result/solution. I dread entering any OM class. The fear of getting cold-called by the professors is something I can not describe in words. It's not embarrassment or fear of losing CP marks, but the plain fear of disappointing someone so passionate about something. I don't blame him for anything. He is just superb.
Still, end of every class I thank god for keeping me safe and secure. :)

ps: We have been shown one youtube video and one Charlie Chaplin movie as a learning tool in this course.

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