Oct 17, 2008

last post on 12th Oct

I logged in my blogger account and saw this message against this blog.
"last post on 12th Oct"
GoD!!! So it finally happened. I have been away for almost a week. "So what is the big deal," you might ask.
It is a big deal. Indeed it is as big one as the fact that I have not gone on my morning jog for last 6 days.
Bad bad bad!!!
I can surely say that jogging one is real bad, trust me on that. Yesterday in the changing room of a clothing store, I felt like killing myself for this. :D

I sit back and try to recall what kept me busy these last few days. Ans here is what I could recall:
1. Wrote cover letter to Company1 describing "why I want to become an IBanker and why they are the best place for me to start my career."
2. Submitted my resume to Company2, Company3 .... Company14 [If you thought IIMA me job aasani se mil jaate hai, you might want to rethink]
3. Attended presentation by 3 IBanks, 3 Marketing firms, 3 consulting firms and 1 startup. Ate pizza or burger at the end of each presentation. Collected unlimited brochures, 3 pens and 1 writing pad.
4. Wrote cover letter to Company5 describing "why I want to become a consultant and why they are the best place for me to start my career."
5. Gave psychometric test for a Bank's recruitment process. Was rejected. :D
6. Wrote 1000 character (including spaces) essay stating why I want to become a marketing guy.
7. Wrote my short term and long term goals.
8. Rewrote them.
9. Wrote them one more time.
10. Recalled incidents from my life where I faced some moral dilemma. Wrote them in 950 charcter (including spaces).
11. Recalled incidents from my life where I had to face opposition and how I overcome them. Again 950 character to write them. Spaces included.
12. Rewrote answer to questions in 10&11 in 500 characters (including spaces).
13. Wrote about three values that drive my actions and thoughts. 1000 characters.
14. Filled some of the most user-unfriendly online forms.
15. Kept checking my dbab (an internal IM tool in IIMA) for more updates. Daily we get around 200 messages so missing it for even an hour can create a mess in your inbox.

And yes, I attended some classes too, prepared for some of them, left others for luck and coldcalled some corporates to search for some sponsor for an event on the campus.

In short, life has been nice. I am loving it. :)

1 comment:

satyajit said...

brilliant Bapu...the best way to learn is to just do it