Oct 2, 2008

free pizza, garba and some sleep

If you ask me what is the most important thing in life, my answer would surely be SLEEP. I have been deprived of sleep here.
8:45:00 AM class, followed by quizzes (that are difficult to pass), pre-readings, company presentations and then OM or Marketing case. No wonder, it's well beyond midnight, or should I say it is almost dawn.

Buzz on the campus is that this is 'high time' we fasten up our seat belts. Summers will arrive shortly and we need to prepare ourselves for them. REMs by tuchchas, presentation by companies and a little bit of studies on your own - all these squeezed in your already jam-packed schedule. God!!! Only cherry on the cake is the free pizza that you get end of every ppt [gosh! some companies did not even do that. :(] I am hoping this novelty feeling remain for some more time. :)

Garba time is here. And imagine, taking some time out of the above mentioned time-table. Difficult naa? Now add an invitation to this condition - to enjoy garba in NID campus in an event specially conducted for IIMA, NID and NIFT students. Do I need to say anything? :)
So we went there, to the so called mecca of design and class. Amazing place and even more amazing experience. Dance and masti for over 3 hours. More than that it was the feeling of doing something that we wanted to do. Free will - we can call it.
Feeling refreshed.

And here I am signing off for the day. Ek company ppt and marketing case is waiting for me. :)

ps: Before you write any comment saying "daily pizza is not good for health," let me make an announcement. I am trying my best to go jogging every day. :)

1 comment:

anoop... said...

speaking from pizza eating country... daily pizza is not bad for health if you are regular at jogging ;)