Oct 18, 2008

from the class room

"Sir I have realized Operations Management is quite complicated," said the student.
"Oh yea that I know. What is the name of your professor who teaches you OM."
- in one of the OM classes.

Is it fear of tears or tears of fear?
- in LAB classes while discussing current affairs.

I am giving you an idea. An idea can change your life.
- Professor in ProbStats class

taarikh pe taarikh, taarikh pe taarikh...
- It has to be the LAB class.

This is the easiest quiz that I have set in last 10-15 years. I am expecting that the average this time will be 2-3 (out of 10).
- OM quiz feedback.

Tell me the faculty is a fool. Tell me that I do not add any value. Challenge me.
- The day we lost the battle in OM class. :(

The job of the faculty is not to solve doubts but to create confusion.
- Cannot recall if it was OM class or MAC.

ps: Context for first one - The name of the professor is SARAL :)

1 comment:

Siddharth Chaudhari said...

It was OM...

And sad to see the LAB class end :(