Jul 11, 2008

CP bole to Class Pareshan

#define CP "Class Participation"

CP rules in IIMA.
It constitutes almost 20% share in your final performance rating. In principle, It helps the professors in evaluating the learning process on an ongoing basis. Presence in class, attentiveness to the proceedings in class, contribution to class discussions - three major ingredients that make a CP.

This is the knowledge most of us had when we attended our first class in PGP1. And as you can imagine, the whole class was a mess. It was a dejavu from the IIM GDs that we all had been part of few months back. Everybody wanted to make his/her presence felt in the class. There were moments of "let me finish my point" or "I have a slightly different view on that" or even more intersting "we need to look at this problem holistically and think of short term and long term goals." blah blah blah.

But, as we attended more classes, the science behind CP became clear. You don't need to talk crap as the professor knows who is making sense and who is just blabbering for the hack of it. Still there were some creatures who do not want to learn. And bugs like this make everyone's life miserable. You get shorter breaks, and then extra classes to cover portion that should have been covered in the class. God give some brain to these people and save us from their out-of-the-box thinking.

Good news is that things are changing, albeit slowly but. A proposed punitive punishment for nonsense CP has been a good deterrent for many. I hope it continues to be effective. We will come up with more such solutions in time to come.

ps: In an alumni meet, batch of 79 mentioned about one such bug that existed in their batch. So this too is part of tradition. Ooof!!!


kaushik said...

that is bad :)

un-necessarily holding back class to get some marks should be made illegal!

Ravi Heda said...

I discovered that if the original bug decides not to bug anymore there are others who are willing to do the substitution... stupid CPs

satyajit said...

what's the mass bunk scene?