Jul 28, 2008

Bomb and Ahmedabad Rains

It's raining heavily in this part of Ahmedabad. After a long spell of scorching summer heat, this rain feels like a soothing balm.

Bangalore and then Ahmedabad - Bomb blasts made a scar on the city's face. I was talking to an autowala yesterday. He was on roads with his auto on the day of the blasts. He did not have any choice - he told me when I asked was it safe out there.
I received so many calls and msgs from my friends asking about my well being. I did not know how to respond to them. I was not the one affected by the bombs. Sometime I feel I do not live in Ahmedabad. I live in IIMA. We live in a different world. A world of our own. Life here is such that we hardly go out of the campus. What happens in the city, we get to know through msgs or mails or through internet.

Thank god that this world is safe as of now. So here is the message - I am perfectly fit and fine.

Slot exams are approaching us fast. So are TNites. And we have to do our best in both of them. More about all these sometime soon.

For now let me enjoy my favorite rain song - The Indian Rain by Colonial Cousins


broca's area said...

hmm...yeah..bang is no longer safe!..:(..al the best!

CandidConfessions said...

Glad to see your post! I was looking out for your reaction to the bombs - Bangalore and Ahmedabad - two places close to your heart!

anoop... said...

good to see you after a while... no city is safe now... B'lore, Ahm, and now some found in Surat