Jan 25, 2007

Chapter One - OVER

So finally the time came.
Time for parting;
Time for seperating.
New avenues are waiting
And old pillars still standing
Calling you at every turn
Turn back, please don't go.
We are all yours, and you ours.
There'll be good times again,
Again will be those laughs
And worries - that we'll share.
Don't go please.
Please don't go.
You know it cant be undone.
The pain can not be escaped.
It is inevitable.
Bitter truth of life.
Change is the only constant thing.

- I finally quit from my first job. Above few words might make you feel thay I am senti right now. Yes, I am. But there are more to it than just emotions itself.
I am jobless now. Atleast for some days. :)


Sh'shank said...

please accept my best wishes...
loads of luck

Nirek said...

Hurray prits,
congrats for new job!

FrostAtMidnite said...

hey! thats major news? what plns next? gotten a new job? wan to mov eto hyd? do let me know.. ;)

Goli said...

Yups it is little difficult, but I guess chage is the only thing that makes you grow...... Cheers.. :D

Unknown said...

duuuuuuudeeeeee...hope u remember me...courage brother...best of luck man...luck favours the bold and i guess u r bold...:)

Nasal Crooner said...

thatsn awesum...!!
so wat u upto next?!

Babska said...

hope you have a blast while being jobless. not many chances like these come. :)
and all the best for your future endeavours!