Jun 11, 2009

Little Moments of Joy

Somebody told me once "how can you be so chilled about life?" I wondered if what I was doing was indeed 'being chilled'. Is "to live for small moments of joy" cool these days? It could be. It could not too. Who cares!!!

in search of UTOPIA - was getting a tough task. Somewhere down the journey I realized that UTOPIA is a mirage. And even if it is not a mirage, it is not meant for me. So I lost the purpose. And hence I dropped the name of my blog.

Little Moments of Joy - I believe in them because they make my world a better place to live. People who matter to me. Things and Events that make me what I am. Somehow they always were part of this blog. It is a natural transformation. Things change. For good. Atleast we hope so.

ps: Tuchcha year at WIMWI has started. Hoping to update this space more often than what I have done in past.

1 comment:

Naina said...

Glad about the transition...
Suits this phase of life perfectly.. :)