Apr 8, 2008

Phantom Rock

Airtel has come up with a cute ad with a kid and his engineer dad. The kid is getting bored in night, so she calls her dad and then they both draw nice pictures in twinkling stars. Imagination!!
We see clouds and each one can be imagined to be taking a shape of certain dream. A really modest way of seeing our dreams come true. In reality, it's just a display of mother nature's creative instincts.

Rocks also play a similar medium for nature to showcase its artistic sense.
Phantom Rock, located close to Ambalavayal town, is named so because of it’s skull head shape, and is locally called Cheengeri Mala. The immediate surroundings offer excellent photo opportunities. Here is my attempt to capture the beauty of the place.

[Click on the panorama view photo to see the enlarged view]


Goli said...

thats a very cute ad, and you know what, your post reminded me off childhood days. When we used to be on terrace in evenings and look at clouds and try to associate a shape with it, be it elephants, or vessels or faces and so on.

broca's area said...

good one..similar to bantwal town!