Mar 4, 2008

index of happiness

I recently had a realization that my frequency of blogging is directly proportional to peace of my mind. It will not take much time for anyone to come to conclusion that I have lost some peace of mind in last few days. Yes I have. And I am trying hard to get back each bit of it.

Last few days have been too uneventful to find a mention at this blog place. I had lots of things to share but somehow could never find the enthusiasm to sit and compile them. There is a fight going on inside me and I am just not able to sort it out.

Today, just to distract my mind, I watched the cricket match. And man... what a match it was. Australians were brought to their humble(?) feet. They were stripped of their soul and pride. Some of them actually gave away their clothes too. Bhajji's act after the match shows the maturity and sincerity we Indian showed in the game. Thank God this tour came to an end. I hope they will learn something from it. Arrogance is a disease that has been affecting Australians for long now.

Second event that caught my attention was ransacking of Sasken office by KRV goondas. Some more 'Sons of the Soil'. How can someone enter a private property and still get away with it. What happened [or at least what was communicated to the outside world] is that the alleged employee were taken action against from the company. I do not endorse what that employee did or is supposed to have done but atleast Sasken or the media should have got the full episode in public view. Those goondas just seem to have escaped after all the rioting. Guess what some of the employee also joined them. If this is the kind of Globalization we seem to enjoy, God save us.

1 comment:

broca's area said...

good read!..actually there is something called happy life years=( Life Satisfaction × Life Expectancy ) / 10