Jul 8, 2007

remember the titans

Thanks to Aditya, Remember the Titans has made such a long lasting mark in my memories that any moment of triumph over odds just reminds me of one thing - Remember the Titans.
I watched this movie n number of times in my hostel days, and still have its CD with me. For those days when "the goals seem farther than they actually are, when odds are against me and I am expected to play the game."

This Saturday was one such moment when I had the same experience. No no, I did not watch the movie as the life is going as smooth as silk. I watched a hockey match between DAD (Dream A Dream) team and FAPS (Frank Anthony Public School) for St Joseph's inter school hockey tournament. I happen to work with these kids from DaD for some time now but somehow could never see any of them in action with hockey sticks on a turf of KSHA stadium in Shanthinagar. This time as I heard of the match on Saturday, I made sure that I had my calender free for that time. I had to be there; to see it.

And I knew it was a time worth spent as soon as I reached there. All the kids welcomed me to their karmabhumi as if I was their most awaited guest. Somehow these kids always make you feel so special with their affection and love. This was the payback time for me. I had to cheer them for their important game against the team of giants [FAPS had many 5ft height players].

All the strategies made, warm up rounds done and then words of wisdom from Shashank. I am sure he must have said only one thing "You have to play with your heart as usual. We are going to win easily." So here comes the titans.
One hand is the team of DaD, with kids from Ananya and all the partner NGOs. They have learnt Hockey under guidance of Mr. Shanmugha for last few years. They travel at 5am in public bus from their school ~15km from city to reach the hockey stadium for practice three days a week. They have learnt to control their aggression and have started utilizing it in positive ways. They have learnt to trust the guy standing next coz they know its the only thing we all can do.
And they have learnt to be a team. A team that plays together.

Against them was the team from FAPS. From first look it seemed a touch opponent with a tough mantle. Coach looked fierce and team super enthu about their low profile opponents. It is so easy to get misguided by the outer appearance of a person or team. And here it looked more so obvious. They would have never thought that the match will turn out to be a nightmarish experience for them.

Two 30m halfs with a 5m break between. 11 players against 11 players. And hopes and dreams of many more.
First few minutes, FAPS tried to attack. And DAD replied befittingly. But sooner it was turning into a one sided affair. While FAPS used long and fast shot strategy, DAD continued with their pass and short shots game. The coordination between players made all the difference between the two teams. The giants of FAPS tried hard with their flashy fast shots with a swinging arm. But every time they ended up giving the ball to one of the opponent player. DaD players on the other hand did their best to send the ball to forward line players, who in turn showed better of dribbling skills and coordination to take a shot at goal.
First half, luck deluded DaD but it was not long wait for them in second half. Within a few minutes the score reached from 0-0 t0 3-0 with two of the goals scored by the DaD captain Arun. The score does not say much about the efforts though. Consider this fact: while FAPS had more than 6 substitutions in first half [more than 15 overall], DAD has their first sub entering the field in second half only. DAD had around 10 shots at goal while FAPS could manage to do so only 2 in the whole match.

Overall a triumph. Win or lose is not the ultimate truth, its the game which is important. And surely DAD played the game well. Its the team which played there on turf and not the 11 different people. Considering that all of these kids have seen so many difficulties in life, this win just seem a befitting reply from them to life.
They kicked it right in the face with a smile on their face.

Here comes to blue...

1 comment:

Goli said...

I missed it I missed it... :(... am feeling bad... hopefully I would catch next time :D