Nov 1, 2006

suvarna karnataka

Once there was an international contest for police.
All the participating teams were asked to gather near one forest place. They were assigned with similar tasks. Each team had to go to the jungle and catch one lion and bring it within a given amount of time. One by one each team went to jungle and tried their best to catch the lion.
When Indian team's turn came, everyone was very optimistic. The Indian team entered the jungle. Time passed but there was no news from them. So a search party goes to find them. They finally find the Indian team. Guess what the Indian team was doing for so long in jungle?
They had captured a cat and were trying to teach her to roar like a lion, “Bol tu sher hai.”

We are really good at this.


satyajit said...

i've heard this before and it always has passed off as nice's open to interpretations and i wud want to know which trait of us does it point to?

Pritesh Jain said...

We try real hard to become what we are not. The efforts we put so show(off) something are generally more than the efforts to actually acheive the same thing.
Rest is open to interpretation.