Nov 6, 2006


Two traveling monks reached a river where they met a young woman. Wary of the current, she asked if they could carry her across. One of the monks hesitated, but the other quickly picked her up onto his shoulders, transported her across the water, and put her down on the other bank. She thanked him and departed.

As the monks continued on their way, the one was brooding and preoccupied. Unable to hold his silence, he spoke out. "Brother, our spiritual training teaches us to avoid any contact with women, but you picked that one up on your shoulders and carried her!"

"Brother," the second monk replied, "I set her down on the other side, while you are still carrying her."


Goli said...

Nice one...

Tikna said...

and what are you upto???

Tikna said...

and how was the play on sunday??

Pritesh Jain said...

hehe... I am trying to find peace. ;-)
PLay was superb. One of the best hindi comedy I have seen. You missed it. but dont worry, your sacrifice will pay off.