Nov 30, 2006

Finding PEACE

Sometimes life becomes too simple. Today, simplicity is something we find difficult to adjust with. With so much sophistication in life, we have forgotten the simple rule of KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). Whatever happens, we try to find the deeper meaning of it, ignoring the brazenly obvious and simple truth. Everything doesn’t need to be complicated. It does not mean to have a complex meaning. Some things are just too pure and simple. And we need to accept them they way they are. Our quest to conquer the uncharted territories, sometimes results in we getting lost. We land up nowhere. For some that is death of the traveler.
Finding peace amongst all this is a challenge.
Face the blatant truth PritS.

Some things you have lost;
some things were not meant for you.
But there are many other which are waiting for you, with stretched arms.

Let life be simple.
Live it to the fullest.

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