Nov 17, 2006

random scribbling

I don’t want to grow up.
I want to become a kid again.
I want my life back.
When my innocence was never questioned.
When my ignorance was never punished.
When my pain was not always only mine.
When my happiness was not always mine.
When I used to fail, and learn from it.
When my world was small, and I ruled it
When I used to dream,
Dream to grow up, not realizing what being grownup means.
When I used to live my life one moment at time.
When I was I and not someone else’s alter ego.
When I was I.
I want that ‘I’ back.
I want to be myself again.
I want to live for myself again.
I want to become a kid again.



satyajit said...

buy a pim-pom and keep it in yr mouth for long :))...thats the surest n closest way to become a kid again

Pritesh Jain said...

I know.. I have seen you diong that many a times :)

satyajit said...

prits: hey that was classified!