Sep 10, 2009


What a coincidence! Not the one of 9th Sept 2009, but something different. I climbed 9km and then came down 9km - all this in 9 hour of rain and storms. Still the trip was not successful.

We returned from the first taunk (temple) of Sammed Shikharjee due to unbearable rain and storms. For Jains, this mountain is the biggest teerth yatra and I happen to go there after years of wait. Still, somehow my luck did not favor me much. Not-so-timely rains affected the whole trip. We tried to brave the rains during the whole climb but could not bear it while at the top of the mountain. It was very risky walking in those winds and water. So had to decide to come back without any darshan.

They say you need to have lots of punya in your account to have the chance to do a successful trip to shikharjee. I guess I am short on goodwill and punya. Time to do some good work PriS. :D

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