Sep 9, 2008

Rock On

A music video stretched to a two and half hour movie. Music rocks. The tunes are hummable and they just stay in your head after the first time you hear them. 
I feel the storyline could have been much better. None of the character is written well, the puzzle (if any) is broken at many places. I would have loved to watch a transformations in behavior rather than the binary step functions [an i-banker to a singer in just one scene!!!]. Life is never like what they have shown.

Watchable. Watch it for its music and music videos.

1 comment:

Shashank said...

thanks for giving words to what i felt .. i always during the movie that it's not one of the greatest movies .. as proclaimed by a lot of ppl around me ...

but kept wondering .. if it is my no-understanding of rock music .. or my budhaapa! :) .. so cud never say that 'it's not that great' .. but cud manage to say .. 'watch it once'! :)
as you say .. the music is loveable!

not to forget is the fact .. is the confidence( read it as, arrogance) in which you write .. 'life is never like what they have shown' .. is really amusing ..
i differ 0% .. but just the plain way in which you wrote .. is very enthusing! :)