Sep 23, 2008

conversations with God

I think I understand what it is..
You feel overwhelmed with smiling, laughing people..
who seem to have everything under control..

Me: may be

They have the best in life... intellect.. love.. family.. friends..
They seem to sail through life without any hiccups..

Me: yes...

:) :O
Catch them when they are alone. They may be more neurotic than you are.. :D
I learnt it so late in life.. But to give them credit.. they play by their strenghths
While we try and mould ourself in their world.. by their rules... and which is why we feel like we are losing it...while they keep winning each and every invisible battle

Me: haan...

What if we refuse to engage in any battle whatsoever
What if we decided to play our own music?
What if we decided -this is my life and I am going to live it by my rules
And do exactly what WE felt like doing that minute without comparing our choices with theirs?

Me: hmm.. won't I be left behind?

hmmm... again.. if we think in terms of being "left behind" that would imply that there is a race in progress
Is it really there?
or we only think that there is?

Where does race matters?


Nobody gives a shit about your grades. You pass out..and thats it
It's the idea and capacity that counts 

Other than studies how will you compare yourself otherwise?
Is their idea of fun better than yours?
Do they have more love in their life than you do?
Do they contribute more to life than you do?

Me: No idea.. but they seem to have control.. I have lost that

I'ts endless...
They seem to have control because they are not comparing themselves with you
While you are trying to dance to a tune only they can hear..

What are the odds of your matching the exact rhythm that only they can hear?

I am trying to say is... Feeling like you are losing control means... you are not doing things you want to do...

Just do it your way and you will regain all the happiness.
Take my words.
I have done it.


broca's area said...

good one..very meaningful!

Namratha Gowda said...

Did it knock sm sense into u???