May 4, 2008

love at first sight

The first time I entered IIMB campus, I fell in love with it. I did not know then that I will actually get an offer to join that institue. And not even in my wildest dreams did I think that I will reject one such offer.

Today, when I crossed IIMB campus, I felt something odd. I actually am declining one such offer. It's a strange feeling. It's like being in love for so long still on that final moment turning your face and moving on.

Anyways. It is confirm now. I am going to IIMA.
WIMWI, as they call it.


Naina said...

Muccha! You are one lucky one...
Don't you ever forget it, or be ungrateful for the opportunities life is giving you..

Make the most of them..and stay the same..Thats my prayer and advice for you..:)

Your time has come..enjoy it to the fullest..:)


i agree to the above said. congratulations again. i was visiting your blog after an eternity or something.maybe it was just to catch the news on time as a womanly huunch. all the best