Feb 8, 2009

WACing moments

What happens when you spend a sleepless night trying to comprehend a case that has so much sense that you end up getting lost?
Here is one nice writeup by one of the frustrated soul in wimwi.

Credits -Mujran

Executive Summary
The mentelopolos woman is a crazy woman who has a thing for young b-school graduates. This can be inferred from the fact that the woman didnt not marry at the rigth age as she was burdened with her father;s stupid decision of venturing into wine making ..
This move is not in line with strategic thinking as the greeks were running a grocery/ retail shop .. So the core competentcy was missing.. Anyways .. The plan was to get this BRAd guy drunk and then do him.. but since brad is just a juinor consultant - the other seniors decided to
gate-crash as well... since all consultants are always hungry (IIM A Placement Reports, 2002, page 2) Thus the issue is how does an american 24 yr old (speculative on the age ) seduce a greek woman running a french wine business ?

Word Count: 143

ps: If you are really enthu, please refer to case
Marketing Chateau Margaux to know more about the situation.

1 comment:

Vitruvian said...

LMAO .. this was one for the books ....