Nov 8, 2008

Be Born Everyday

Chapter 1:
I had this particular exercise as a part of an application form. I really enjoyed doing it, thought will share it with you.
a. We see lots of "How to" books around today. People want to share their experience and make life easier for other. If you were to write your own "How to" book, what will be its title?
b. Readers generally buy a book after reading about its theme on the back cover. What would you say your book is about on the back cover of your book?

Chapter 2:
Have you seen the new advertisement for Titan? One with Aamir and the new punch line "Be Born Everyday" One of the shortest motivational speech you can ever get. Brilliant use of visual medium, backed with an even better script. And to top that Aamir. Just go for it...


Rhiannon Rhythm said...

If we go on chatting like this for many more months - your blog is gonna soon be flooded! i mean it :)

Pritesh Jain said...

:) I dont mind that...

satyajit said...

"How to go beyond merely acknowledging that life sucks and and how to do something about it"

what's in this cannot find an answer for you (if you're looking for one) because your question might be different from mine. What it'll do is simply push a sealed envelope towards you from acroos the table. Whether you open it or not is up to you."

Goli said...

How to be B+ ?

broca's area said...

nice quote[though a little lengthy]!:)