Dec 12, 2007

the good game has begin...

The good game has begin.

I was browsing through some of my old posts and this one caught my attention: To win all, you need to risk all.

This is what I needed at this moment. Last few days have been mixed bag in terms of experience. The pursuit gave me an indication of things to come. I second it after spending my last few days doing nothing. I have had my lows and highs. For no reason at all. Or were they indeed the reasons. I will never know. It's just impulse of the moment. And I know that I have to let it pass by.

One thing I have learnt from it all is that risk is unavoidable. If you dream, you need to dare of breaking the mould. I am doing what I think is right. I may be wrong, but I want to learn it firsthand. To cut above the rest needs risk. Mediocrity leads you nowhere.

1 comment:

Dr. Chandana Shekar said...

bhai, i dono wat to say.

but then, ya ur right. ur almost always right when it comes to philosophy:) and i've got quite a bit of its dose :)

u rock at philosophy bhai :):)