May 8, 2007

Jigsaw puzzle

"Things falling in place...
Ever played jigsaw puzzle with hundreds of parts. Even though it seems like everything is in place, the picture is not perfect till the very end.

It ain't over until it is over."
I wrote this piece as a comment on Shubhi's blog.
Jigsaw puzzle relates so well to life. Everything is bits and piece. Some related to each other while totally alien for others. The beauty of the game lies in envisioning a perfect picture and then fitting different parts in that.
Life on the other hand does not guarantee a perfect picture. But still dreaming is part of the game. Only if you can imagine it, you can dream it, it is possible. There is no fun in living life in bits and pieces.

ps: reading about Kishore Biyani these days. So you might see some more about dreaming and envisioning at this place.


Shubhi said...

True, No fun in living life in bits and pieces, but can you avoid that, NO.

We may try and make our own perfect picture from the bits and pieces we live our life in, but the void remains,which we cannot fill...and thus sometimes our perfect picture is never complete...Thats Life!Isnt it.

Having said that, trying to leave this comment on a More Encouraging note :)..
Always Dare to dream.

Mondy said...

Its very much related to your previous post. One should enjoy trying to put these bits and pieces in place. Once you have made a perfect picture, don't let it put a full stop to the game. Look for more bits and pieces and aim for more pictures. Thats fun!!!

Nasal Crooner said...

fuckkkkk man..
i almost got a hugeeee shock..
i thought shubi of our (tak) fame has started blogging!! ;-)

Pritesh Jain said...

@shubhi: If that picture completes what will remain in life. Thats a dead-end. Isn't it?
Dare to Dream. Yes. Thats the attitude baby!!!

@mondy: Completely agree with you Mondy. The fun is not completing the game. Its the playing that gives all the kick.

@nasal: Abe apna shubi can talk about only murgi and informatica. :)

Unknown said...

All's well in the end...and if all is not well yet... It can't be the end :)

And i Agree... there is no fun if every thing falls in place... because if it does... it's over !