Jul 2, 2006

worldcup football - some thoughts

What was David Beckham thinking when he came off the field in the quarter final match against Portugal. We saw him crying just after coming out. At that time, match was at equa posiotion only. But still he was crying. Was he feeling that he failed in his job? I think that he was thinking the same. it dint matter if they werer not losing at that time, but he did not leave the field in a comfortable position for his team. Surely he could not have done anything better (than coming off the field). But by doing it, he did show us that its only the pride for which 22 players are sweating out there.

What was going through Christiano Ronaldo's mind when he had to take the final and match deciding shot at goal in the panelty shoot out of Englan-Portugal match? His failure could have cost them dearly, and everyone in his country and many more around the world would have hated him for the miss. And one good shot would have made him become immortal. But between these two extremes, he was standing their thinking where to shoot. Did a fear of failure came into his mind? Or did he get his energy from his love for the game and respect for the country.

We have seen three panelty shoot outs in last few matches. They are the most tensed moments for the goalkeepers. Lehman made into the history by saving the shots by Argentina players, while his counterpart could not do the same. How do they cope the pressue of high expectations and fear of failure. Do they dream about the glory after the win or the teras after the failure. Or do they just play the game without being bothered about any result. "karm kar aur phal ke baare me mat soch" looks very difficult to apply here.

Ronaldinho was trying to enter the opposition area in the last few minutes of the game. His one goal could have saved his country their Champion status. HE rushed with the ball towards the France goalpost. He was tackeled on the way, and refree ruled a free kick in France's favour. At first it looked a harsh decision. Ronaldinho was smiling while talking to the refree, though we could see the pain in his eyes. He must have cried onme the game was over. But in the end, the game of football won. Joga Bonito, indeed happened. This is the beauty of the game.

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