Jun 15, 2006

the challange

You get up every morning expecting that day will be good, hoping that it will bring new avenues with it, eying for the new challenges. Life, when it becomes stagnate, is really unexciting. Empty mind gives place to all sorts of thoughts. Negativity fills our mind.

The greatest challenge is to keep ourselves motivated enough not to become slave of boredom. Life has different phases and we have to live every one of them. To make the best use of everyone is the challenge in front of us.

Everyone has got a day which consists of just 24 hours. When you do what you like, then these 24 hours seem too short a duration. But on the other side when boredom spreads, every second becomes really long to pass.

Right now I am facing same kind of phase. I need a change, a welcome change.

(picture associated is a copyrighted work of nyah74, taken from flickr.com)

1 comment:

Aditya Sethuraman said...

don't wanna sound mean or anything...but...ur looking for a challenge right?...Well then, here's one :P .. IMPROVE UR GRAMMAR...inspite of having been an avid blogger for several months, ur grammar still suffers...PLEASE GRAB the nearest WREN and MARTIN and get to work :P....hahahah....hehehehe....btw, No Offence...