Aug 24, 2006

blank document

The thought process has slowed down a bit.
Will be back once its back to normal.



FrostAtMidnite said...

hey.. dont approve this comment. anyways sad to see u writing like this but nontheless, according to me the best way to release negativity and get it out of ur system is to write it out. works for me n besides, random scribblings mean and make more sense cos we dont look back at it. Hope ur brain starts functionin soon. take care.. god bless. and dotn approve this comment.

Pritesh Jain said...

@J: I am really sorry, I did not keep moderation on. So cant stop your comment from posting. I dont want to stop it. I really appreciate your words and concern. I am trying my best to bring everything to normal. I will be back in a short time, its a promise.